There are lots of ways to get more email subscribers or social shares on your WordPress site. One of the common practices adopted by many site owners is by requiring visitors to perform a certain action before they can access certain content. In WordPress, you can adopt the practice using a content locker plugin.
Just like other types of plugins, there are a bunch of content locker plugins you can use to lock your exclusive content. To save you time in conducting research, we have compiled the best content locker plugins you can give a try.
The Benefits of Using a Content Locker Plugin
Depending on your purpose, you can use a content locker plugin to boost email subscribers or social media shares on your website. The way a content locker works is pretty simple. It requires your site visitors to perform a certain action — such as entering an email address or sharing to social media — before they can access the locked content. It is a great practice to get more email subscribers or website traffic. In order to make your visitors do what you ask for, make sure your content is worthy enough.
Best WordPress Content Locker Plugins
1. Bloom

Bloom is a WordPress plugin designed specifically to help you to get email addresses of your visitors. Bloom allows you to get email addresses in a wide range of ways. From creating a popup to requiring your visitors to enter their email address before accessing your content. You can connect Bloom with popular email marketing tools like MailChimp, MailerLite, GetResponse, and so on to automatically send the email addresses of your visitors to the account of the email marketing tool you use.
You can use Bloom to lock content types like a download button or a certain area of a page. It uses shortcodes to provide you the flexibility to lock your content. Bloom itself is developed by Elegant Themes, the developer Divi theme, Divi Builder, and Monarch. You can only get it in a bundle as Elegant Themes doesn’t sell its products individually.
2. ConvertPlus

ConvertPlus is a great alternative if you are looking for a plugin to lock your content and you think that Bloom is too expensive. The way this plugin works is pretty similar to Bloom in which it allows you to collect email addresses via a popup, email opt-in form on a single post, sidebar, and so on. ConvertPlus also comes with a content locker feature to lock your premium content and make it accessible to your subscribers or social followers.
Same as Bloom, ConvertPlus can also be connected with popular email marketing tools like Mailchimp, MailerLite, AWeber, ActiveCampaign, and so on.
3. Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads has the same functionality as Bloom and ConvertPlus above in which it helps you to get the most out of your email marketing. Thrive Leads also has a feature to lock content and require your visitors to enter their email address to access. Thrive Leads has one thing in common as Bloom.
It is not sold individually like ConvertPlus. Instead, you need to be a member of Thrive which costs $19 per month.
4. OptinMonster

OptinMonster is a lead generation software. It offers a WordPress plugin to make it easy for you to use the software. It also comes with a content locking feature designed to help you to increase your email subscribers list. The content locking feature of OptinMonster will blur or remove the content below a set point on your page.
The content will only be revealed once your visitors enter their email address. OptinMonster also supports popular email marketing tools like MailChimp, AWeber, ActiveCampaign, Mad Mini, and so on.
5. Opt-In Content Locker

Opt-In Content Locker is another affordable content locker plugin to lock the content on your WordPress site. The way this plugin works is not different from other plugins above. You can also require your visitors to enter their email address to access the restricted content.
The plugin uses shortcodes so you can lock your content anywhere you want to. Opt-In Content Locker supports integration with Mailchimp, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor, Mad Mimi, and AWeber. You can also require your users to accept terms and conditions.