What is a Skin in Monstroid2 Theme and How to Install It

Monstroid2 is one of the recommended items if you are looking for an Elementor-based WordPress theme. It is particularly a great option if you are the sort of person who hates a subscription business model. As you have known, Elementor only accepts the subscription payment option, which forces you to continuously pay the subscription fee. Monstroid2 is bundled with premium add-ons from Crocoblock, including JetPopup which allows you to create a popup with your Elementor Free.

Other features offered by Monstroid2 are skins.

A Monstroid2 skin is much like an Elementor template kit. It is a set of templates with a consistent design concept. Each skin consists of base static page templates (home page, about page, contact page, and so on), a header template, a footer template, a single post template, and other templates according to the concept of the skin. Each template on a Monstroid2 skin also comes with predefined content. With a Monstroid2 skin, you can create a complete website in minutes by just importing it. There are more than 60 skins offered by Monstroid2.

How to install a Monstroid2 skin

On the installation process of Monstrid2 you will be asked to select a skin. The installer will then install the required plugins demanded by the skin. If one day you want to install a new skin, you can do so via the Monstroid2 theme panel. Go to Montroid2 -> Monstroid2 to open the theme panel and click Skins to open the skin library. Select the skin you want to install and click the INSTALL button to install it. You can also preview a skin before you install it.

On the next step, you will be asked to install the recommended plugins (the required plugins are ticked automatically). If you already have the required plugins, you can simply click the SKIP TO DEMO CONTENT button on the bottom-right corner. Otherwise, you can click the Next button.

Wait a moment until the installation process is done. Next, you will be asked to choose whether you want to append, replace or skip the demo data installation. Select your option and click the Next button.

If you are asked to enter your WordPress password, simply enter your password and click the IMPORT CONTENT to start importing the demo content.

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Picture of Aliko Sunawang

Aliko Sunawang

Aliko is a WordPress expert and lead blogger at WPPagebuilders. He has been blogging with WordPress since 2013. He is responsible of all content published on this website. Learn more
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1 thought on “What is a Skin in Monstroid2 Theme and How to Install It”

  1. Elementor is NOT a paid subscription plan. It has a one-off price which is AMAZINGLY decently-priced (read: CHEAP) way of building websites simply and beautifully with drag-and-drop ease. And it does work beautifully with Monstroid 2!


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