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How to Use the Website Manager Feature in Newspaper X Theme

If you use Newspaper X theme on your WordPress site, you have unlimited options to customize your website. This theme comes with a new feature called Website Manager. You can find this feature when editing a page using the front-end editor of tagDiv Composer. If you can’t find it, make sure to update your Newspaper X to the latest version. What is this feature used for?

Website Manager is a feature that allows you to set a custom header and custom footer on your website. You can assign a custom header or custom footer on any part of your website. From pages (homepage, about page, contact page, landing page and so on), categories, archive pages, 404 page, and even the search results page. This feature is great if you want to, for instance, run a certain campaign and wish to create a custom header on the parts you want to use to run the campaign. Website Manager is the evolvement of the Header Manager feature introduced in Newspaper 9.8.

How to Use the Website Manager Feature in Newspaper X

One thing you need to know first before we begin. Newspaper theme comes with Cloud Templates. Cloud Templates are a set of templates that allow you to create a custom part (template) for your Newspaper theme. You can import a template when you want to create a custom theme part, say header. The theme parts you can customize with Cloud Templates are:

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Single post layout
  • Author page
  • Category pages
  • Archive pages
  • 404 page
  • Search results page

Cloud Templates can be edited via tagDiv Composer. When editing a cloud template of a certain theme part, you can set a custom header/footer of the template you are editing. Say have a category called “Android” on your website and you want to create a custom template for this category. When editing a custom category template for this category using tagDiv Composer, you can set custom header/footer as well.

Let’s take an example. We want to create a custom category template for the “Android” category as we mentioned above. To begin, go to Cloud Templates -> All Templates. Create a new template by clicking the Add New button.

The tagDiv Cloud Library window will appear once you clicked the Add New button above. Go to the Category tab and select a category template you like.

Click the CREATE TEMPLATE button to load the template to the tagDiv Composer front-end editor.

Once the template is loaded to the tagDiv Composer front-end editor, click the Manager button on the top bar of the left panel. Or, you can also click the Website Manager button.

Click the IMPORT HEADER button on the appearing window to import a header template from the Cloud Templates. Or, if you have created a header template before, you can select it from the dropdown menu.

Simply select a header template you like.

Click the IMPORT HEADER button. You will be confirmed whether you want to import the template. Simply select OK.

On the Website Manager window, you can see the preview of your header template on the laptop device (the left side) and mobile device (the right side). There is an option on each device to enable the sticky menu.

You can edit the header template in case there are parts you need to change. Color, for instance. Simply close the Website Manager window, go to the header template, and click each element you want to edit on the header template to turn it into an editing mode.

Once you are done editing the category template and the header template, click the floppy disk icon on the top bar of the left panel to save the changes and click the close button to exit the tagDiv Composer editor.

To assign the category template as well as the header template you have just created above, go to the Newspaper theme panel (Newspaper -> Theme panel). Go to the CATEGORIES block and scroll down to the per category settings section. Select the “Android” category (or any category you want) and select the category template you have just created on the CATEGORY CLOUD LIBRARY TEMPLATE option. Click the SAVE SETTINGS button to apply the change.

You can repeat the steps above to create a custom header for other parts of your theme. If you want to create a custom footer, simply click the IMPORT FOOTER button on the Website Manager window.

When you want to create a custom header/footer for a certain part, you can either create the header/footer template upfront or by directly importing a header/footer template from the Website Manager window on the tagDiv Composer front-end editor.

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Picture of Aliko Sunawang

Aliko Sunawang

Aliko is a WordPress expert and lead blogger at WPPagebuilders. He has been blogging with WordPress since 2013. He is responsible of all content published on this website. Learn more
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