There are two ways to create a new page in Elementor. First, you can start from a pre-made template. Second, you can start from scratch. The first option is a great option to save you time. And if you are looking to create a blog page on your Elementor-powered website, Putri Tidur is a great template to start from.
Putri Tidur is an Elementor template designed exclusively for a blog page (a page dedicated to displaying blog posts). The template uses the native Posts widget of Elementor (pro version) to display blog posts. Thus, you don’t need to install a third-party Elementor add-on to use the template.
The Putri Tidur Elementor blog page template is built with simplicity in mind. You can pair it with single post templates we created earlier. To make the page looks more appealing, some CSS snippets are added to the Posts widget to add hover effects to the thumbnail as well as post title. Also, there is a CSS snippet to further decorate the read more link as well as the pagination. To make it easier for you to learn the CSS snippets, we have added a note/comment to each snippet.