Grojogan Sewu is a custom single post template for Divi. The template is designed with a reading experience in mind. No sidebar. Only a single column on the content area to make your readers focus on your content. On the hero section, the featured image is placed on the right side. Please note that the design setting of the featured image is optimized for landscape images.
There are two fonts used on the template: Inter and Georgio. These fonts are available on Divi by default. Of course, you can change them if you want to.
You can import the Grojogan Sewu single post template from Divi Theme Builder (Divi -> Theme Builder). Click the two-arrow icon the Divi Theme Builder screen.

On the appearing popup, go to the Import tab and select the JSON file of the template. End by clicking the Import Divi Theme Builder Templates button.

Once the template is imported, click the Save Changes button on the Divi Theme Builder screen to apply the changes.