Animation is one of the things that make a web page looks compelling. Just like other page builder plugins, Brizy also has a feature to apply an entrance animation to an element. Be it a block, column, or the actual design elements like button, text, image, and so on. If you are new to Brizy, you might find a little issue when wanting to apply an entrance animation to an element as the option to do so is not available on the settings bar. Instead, the option to set an entrance animation is available on the settings panel (settings bar and settings panel are two different things).
Brizy itself offers about 41 entrance animation styles you can apply to an element.
To apply an entrance animation to an element, first, click the element you want to apply the entrance animation to. On the appearing settings bar, click the gear icon followed by the More settings link. This will open the settings panel.
On the settings panel, open the Advanced tab and scroll down to the Entrance Animation section where you can set the entrance animation.