4 Useful Add-ons to Create an Online Magazine with Elementor

Unlike tagDiv Composer, Elementor is not designed specially to create online magazines. Also, Elementor has no widgets aimed specifically at creating online magazines. Fortunately, Elementor has an open ecosystem to allow third-party developers to develop add-ons for specific needs. Crocoblock is one of those developers. It has some Elementor add-ons that will be useful to create an online magazine.

Online magazines themselves have some characteristics. If you have ever noticed, most online magazines have a tiled area on the hero section of the homepage to display the featured content or the latest content. It’s also a common thing to see elements like news ticker and video playlist on an online magazine.

Here are four Elementor add-ons that will be useful to create an online magazine with Elementor. All add-ons below are developed by Crocoblock.

Useful Elementor Add-ons to Create an Online Magazine

1. JetBlog

JetBlog is an Elementor add-on from Crocoblock that is designed specifically to create an online magazine with Elementor. The add-on comes with a widget — Smart Posts Tiles — that you can use to add a tiled area to the hero section of your homepage. You can display your featured content, headline, or content from specific categories to the tiled area thanks to its custom query feature. The Smart Posts Tiles widget comes with nine different layouts you can choose from as follows.

JetBlog offers lots of customization options to allow you to tweak the appearance of the tiled area. Here is an example of the implementation of the Smart Posts Tiles widget.

You will also have the Smart Posts List widget to display articles in a list style. The widget comes with an option to enable the filtering feature which appears as tabs on the top-right side. Here is example of the implementation of the Smart Posts List widget.

You can also filter the articles by categories, tags, authors, and several other parameters.

Want to embed your YouTube playlist? JetBlog also makes it possible to do so thanks to its Video Playlist widget. You can read our previous article to learn more about how to embed a YouTube playlist in Elementor using JetBlog.

What about news ticker? JetBlog also allows you to add one. Here are the widgets offered by JetBlog:

  • Video Playlist
  • Text Ticker
  • Smart Posts Tiles
  • Smart Posts List
  • Posts Navigation
  • Posts Pagination

2. JetTabs

JetTabs is an Elementor add-on designed to allow you to display long content in a more compact form. One of the widgets offered by this add-on is the Tabs widget that you can use to display your content into tabs. To add a content to each tab, you have two options. First, you can use the provided WYSIWYG editor. Alternatively, you can add the content from a template. You can make use of the latter option to display articles into tabs. The concept is pretty similar to the filtering feature of the Smart Posts List widget of the JetBlog above, but you have more controls to customize the content of the tabs.

First, you need to create templates according to the number of the tabs you want to add. Once the templates are ready, you can add the Tabs widget to your page and then add the content from template instead of using the WYSIWYG editor.

3. JetMenu

Do you want to add a mega menu on your online magazine? If yes, then JetMenu is the add-on you need. As you have known, Elementor has no default feature to add a mega menu. Seeing this hole, Crocoblock developed an add-on to allow you to add one.

Creating a mega menu using JetMenu is easy enough. Being an Elementor add-on, it makes use of the Elementor editor to allow you to create the megamenu whereby you can add content like blog posts, WooCommerce products, contact form, and so on. Technically, when creating a mega menu using JetMenu, you can add any Elementor add-on you like.

In addition to creating mega menu, JetMenu also allows you to create an off-canvas menu.

4. JetSearch

Elementor Pro allows you to create a custom header for your WordPress site. When creating a custom header using Elementor Pro, you can add a search feature to make it easier for your visitors to search for content on your website. To take the search feature to the next level, you can use JetSearch.

JetSearch is an add-on to add an AJAX-based live feature to your Elementor website. One of the appeal things is that you can set which content to be included on the live search results. You can include/exclude content on the search results by category, tag, or author. Here is the example of the implementation of JetSearch.

The Bottom Line

Every website type has its own characteristic. Online magazine and the similar website types typically has a tiled/grid area on the hero section of the homepage to display the headline or feature content. In Elementor, you can use the Inner Section widget to create a tiled area on your homepage or any page on your website. Alternatively, you can use the JetBlog add-on which is designed specifically to create an online magazine. The add-on also comes with a widget to embed a YouTube playlist in case you have a YouTube channel.

JetMenu is also a great add-on to make your online magazine more stand out. You can use it to add a mega menu to your custom header. If you want to add a live search feature, JetSearch is a great fit.

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