Are you looking for Elementor landing page templates that you can download for free? We have some collections for you, then.
As you have known, there are two options to create a page in Elementor. First, you can create your page from scratch. Second, you can start your page from a pre-made template. For the latter option, Elementor already offers hundreds of pre-made templates you can access from template library by clicking the folder icon on the canvas area.
Alternatively, you can seek for Elementor templates on marketplaces such as Creative Market and Themeforest. If you buy an Elementor template from these websites, chances are you are required to install an extra WordPress plugin to import the template. If you are not interested with this workflow, you can download our templates below — which are available in JSON files. Meaning that you don’t need to install an extra plugin to import them.
How to Import an Elementor Template in JSON Format
To import an Elementor page template in a JSON format, first, create a new page (Pages -> Add New) and edit it with Elementor. Set the page layout by clicking the gear icon on the bottom-left on the settings panel. You can set the page layout on the Page Layout dropdown.

Next, click the folder icon on the canvas area to open the template library window.

On the template library window, click the up-arrow icon, followed by the SELECT FILE button to select the JSON file of the Elementor template you want to import. Wait a moment until Elementor is done importing the template.

Once the importing process is done, go to My Templates tab on the template library window. You can click the CREATION DATE button to filter the templates by date to make it easier for you to find the newly imported template. Once you found the template, click the Insert button to load it to the Elementor editor.

Free Elementor Landing Page Templates
1. Temu Daring

If you have a Zoom-like video chat app and plan to create a landing page to run a campaign on social media, Temu Daring is a perfect template to start from. The Elementor template is designed specifically for a video chat app although you can also use it on other app types by editing the default content.
Temu Daring has been optimized for all screen sizes (desktop/laptop, tablet, and smartphone) to keep your page from getting messed up once you publish it. You don’t need to install an extra Elementor add-on to import the template as all elements used on the template are already available on Elemetor (Free and Pro).
2. Partai Sosmed

Running a social media agency business? If yes, Partai Sosmed is a perfect template to start your landing page in Elementor. The template is designed exclusively for social media agency although you can — same as Temu Daring above — use for other business types by replacing the default content.
You can use the template to create a landing page for your social media agency before running a campaign to promote your service. The template offers a clean, modern design. Feel free to preview the page first before you download it.
3. Hostuner

You need a dedicated page to promote your web hosting service. If you have a plan to create the page with Elementor, then Hostuner is a perfect option to start from.
Hostuner is an Elementor template designed specifically to create a landing page for a web hosting service. The template has included every element you need, including a pricing table — complete with a CTA button. If you use JetTabs on your Elementor-powered WordPress website, you can use it to implement a toggle feature to allow your visitors to switch between yearly and monthly pricing options on the pricing table.
4. Uangku

Uangku is an Elementor template you can import to create a landing page of a fintech app. Same as other templates above, the template is also created without involving a third-party Elementor add-on. However, Elementor Pro is required in order for the template to be loaded perfectly on the Elementor editor as same widgets are only available on Elementor Pro.
Also, the template uses custom CSS to achieve certain stylings, including the custom icon size on the Button widgets on the last section.
5. Abata

Abata is an Elementor template designed exclusively to create a landing page of a commercial conference. The template is perfect to create a landing page aimed at selling the tickets of the conference. On the last section of the template, you will find CTA buttons on the pricing table.
These buttons are created with the native Button widget of Elementor. If you want it, you can replace the buttons with either the PayPal Button or Stripe Button widget.
6. Colorful

Whether you run a design agency firm or accept design services as a freelancer, Colorful is a great template if you want to create a landing page with Elementor to promote your service. The template offers a modern look, with a little gradient on the hero section. There is also a section dedicated to displaying the design projects you created to convince your aspiring clients before they hire you.
7. Gembok

Gembok is an Elementor template designed exclusively to create a landing page of a security software. Even so, you can also use it to create a landing page of other website types in case you love the design. Same as other templates above, the template is also created without using a third-party Elementor add-on.
8. Digitalisasi

There are a wide range of digital services out there. Whichever the area you serve, you can use the Digitaliasi template to create the landing page of your service with Elementor. The template offers a sleek, responsive design. Some animation effects are added to template to make it more attractive. You can add more animation effects such as entrance and exit effects if you want to.
The Digitalisasi template comes with a call-to-action section created with the native Call to Action widget of Elementor. The template can also be imported directly without installing an extra Elementor add-on as there is no third-party widget involved.
9. Primagama

There are a bunch of LMS plugins you can use to create a learning management system (LMS) website with WordPress. If you already have one and want to create a landing page with Elementor, then Primagama is a perfect template to start from.
The template comes with a section dedicated to displaying courses on your website. For the demo purpose, the section displays blog posts. You can edit the query of the Posts widget after importing the template.
10. Hiu

Hiu is an Elementor template designed to create a landing for a mobile app. Unlike other templates above, Hiu is not designed specifically for a certain app type. Thus, you can use it regardless of the app type you develop. Hiu can also be used to create a landing page for a physical product, of course.
11. Halsat

Do you have an SEO agency firm? Halsat is a perfect template for you, then. The template is designed exclusively for an SEO agency firm like yours. You can also use it if you serve SEO service as a freelancer. The template offers a modern, responsive design just like other templates above. You can import it directly from the Elementor editor. No need to install an extra WordPress plugin.
The Halsat template has included the necessary elements to market your service. From service features, FAQ, to a call to action.
12. Posko

Looking for an Elementor template to create a landing page for your POS software? Posko is a perfect item for you, then. The template is designed specifically for such software type although, of course, you can use it for other software types by making some modification. Same other landing page templates above, Posko is also created using the native Elementor widgets only.
The Bottom Line
Elementor is a Swiss Army WordPress plugin. One of its uses is as a landing page builder. You have two options to create a landing page in Elementor. If you have your own design concept, you can create your landing page from scratch. Conversely, if you run out of design ideas, you can start your landing page from a pre-made template.
Please note that although you can download the templates above for free, the pro version of Elementor is required in order for all elements (widgets) to load upon importing.
5 thoughts on “10+ Free Elementor Landing Page Templates to Download (JSON Files)”
Thank You, Pro …
It’s always nice to find great content such as this. Keep up the good work.
I think you need to update the screenshots as Elementor already has a new UI
Done. Thanks for the suggestion, Joseph!
Thanks for your generosity providing the templates for free