The WooCommerce Builder of Elementor Pro has made it easier for you to customize the appearance of your WooCommerce-powered e-commerce website. However, not all WooCommerce parts can be customized. JetWooBuilder offers comprehensive solution to allow you to customize every single part of your WooCommerce. It makes use of the Elementor visual editor, allowing those who have no coding skills to create a completely unique, beautiful e-commerce site.
The interface of the editor is one of the reasons why many WordPress users love to create a website using Elementor. It offers an excellent experience to create a website in a visual way without dealing with code at all. With the pro version, you can customize your WooCommerce site by creating custom templates just like you can do with the regular WordPress sites. However, you can only create the templates for the following WooCommerce parts:
- Single product page
- Shop page
- Product categories
- Product tags
Meanwhile, WooCommerce has four other main parts:
- Checkout page
- Cart page
- Thank page
- Customer account page
JetWooBuilder, as we said above, allows you to customize every single part of WooCommerce by creating a custom template for each part.
What is JetWooBuilder?
JetWooBuilder is an Elementor add-on from Crocoblock. It is designed specifically to create an e-commerce website with WooCommerce+Elementor. WooCommerce, as you have known, is the most popular WordPress plugin to add e-commerce functionality to your WordPress site. You can use it whether to sell physical products or digital products. In general, WooCommerce consists of the following parts:
- Shop page
- Single product page
- Product category pages
- Product tag pages
- Checkout page
- Cart page
- Thank page
- Customer account page
The appearance of each part/page is varied depending on the WordPress theme you use. If you use Elementor Pro, you can create the custom templates (using Elementor visual editor, of course) to replace the default templates of WooCommerce. Again, you can only create the custom templates for the shop page, single product page, product category pages, and product tag pages.
With JetWooBuilder, you can create custom templates for all the WooCommerce parts, without exception. If you are a huge fan of Elementor and have a new project to create an e-commerce website and plan to use WooCommerce, then JetWooBuilder is a perfect solution. JetWooBuilder doesn’t require Elementor Pro although it would be great to combine both Elementor Pro and JetWooBuilder for your project.
How JetWooBuilder Helps You Customize Your WooCommerce Store
As said above, JetWooBuilder allows you to customize the WooCommerce parts by creating custom templates for those parts. The custom templates you created with JetWooBuilder will then replace the default templates of WooCommerce. JetWooBuilder offers over 60 Elementor in total which you can use to create each template.
By the way, you can find the templates that control the layout of WooCommerce parts from the templates folder under the wocommerce folder (full path: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates).
Here are the WooCommerce parts you can create the custom templates of, using JetWooBuilder:
1. Shop Page
After installing and activating the WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress site, you will automatically have a new page on your website, which you can access by going to The page displays all your WooCommerce products and classified as one of the archive pages on the WooCommerce structure. There are 8 widgets you can use to create a custome shop page template:
- Products Description
- Products Loop
- Products Navigation
- Products Notices
- Products Ordering
- Products Page Title
- Products Pagination
- Products Results Count
To streamline your workflow, JetWooBuilder offers 4 ready-made shop page templates you can choose from.

2. Single Product Page
When you click a certain product on an archive product page (be it the shop page, product category page, or product tag page), you will be directed to the detailed page of the associated product (the single product page). The appearance of the single product page is controlled by a template file called single-product.php. JetWooBuilder allows you to create a custom template to replace the default template. You have the following widgets to create the custom single product page template:
- Single Add to Cart
- Single Attributes
- Single Content
- Single Excerpt
- Single Images
- Single Meta
- Single Tabs
- Single Title
- Single Price
- Single Rating
- Single Related Products
- Single Reviews Form
- Single Sale Badge
- Single Sharing
- Single Upsells
To save you time in creating the custom template for the single product page, there are 8 ready-made templates you can choose from.

3. Product Categories and Tags
Just like WordPress blog posts, you can also assign a WooCommerce product to a category or more. In addition, you can also add tags. WooCommerce has default templates to control the layout of the product category pages and tags. If you want to create custom templates to replace them, JetWooBuilder allows you to do so. You can use the following widgets to create a custom product category/tag page template:
- Count
- Description
- Thumbnail
- Title
4. Cart Page
Just like on other platforms, WooCommerce also displays all items you want to buy on the cart page before you make the purchase. JetWooBuilder allows you to create a custom template for your WooCommerce cart page. You can add the following widgets when creating the custom cart template:
- Cart Cross Sells
- Cart Empty Message
- Cart Return To Shop
- Cart Table
- Cart Totals
5. Checkout Page
Checkout page displays the required information customers need to provide before they can proceed to the payment. Some information they need to provide are billing address, shipping address, payment option, and so on. JetWooBuilder also allows you to create custom template for WooCommerce checkout page. You can use the following widgets when creating a custom checkout page template:
- Checkout Additional Form
- Checkout Billing Form
- Checkout Coupon Form
- Checkout Login Form
- Checkout Order Review
- Checkout Payment
- Checkout Shipping Form
6. Customer Account Page
In the WooCommerce system, the My account page is a page where your customers can view recent orders, manage shipping and billing addresses, and manage the login details (username and password). The page is automatically created during the installation process of WooCommerce. It is technically a regular WordPress page that contains a WooCommerce shortcode. You can find the My account page by going to Pages -> All Pages on your WordPress dashboard. If you want to create a custom template for this page, JetWooBuilder also makes it possible.
You have the following widgets to create a custom template for the My account page.
- My Account Details
- My Account Addresses
- My Account Content
- My Account Dashboard
- My Account Downloads
- My Account Login Form
- My Account Logout
- My Account Order
- My Account Registration Form
7. Thank You Page
After your customers have completed the entire buying processes (including the payment), they will be redirected to a thank you page of WooCommerce. JetWooBuilder also allows you to create a custom template for the thank you page. You can use the following widgets to create the custom template for the thank you page:
- Thank You Customer Address Details
- Thank You Order Details
- Thank You Order
How to Use JetWooBuilder
If you are already familiar with Elementor then creating a custom WooCommerce template should not a grave issue. After creating a custom template, you can then apply it to WooCommerce.
Once the JetWooBuilder plugin is installed and activated on your WordPress site, you will see a new menu called Crocoblock on the dashboard area. On this menu, you will also see a sub-menu called Woo Page Builder.

Creating a Custom Template
You can create all WooCommerce custom templates from the same route. First, you can go to Crocoblock -> Woo Page Builder on your WordPress dashboard. Click the Add New Template button and specify which part the template is created for. Give your template a name and click the Create Template button to start creating the template.

You will be directed to the Elementor editor after clicking the Create Template button above, where you can create the template. Once done, you can click the PUBLISH button to publish the template.
Applying a Template
Once done creating a template, you can switch back to the WordPress dashboard. To apply the custom template you have just created, you can go to WooCommerce -> Settings. Click the JetWooBuilder tab. Select a WooCommerce part you want to set the custom template to and enable the option. Select an existing custom template you have created. For instance, if you want to set a custom template to the single product page, you can enable the Enable custom single product option on the Single Product block and select the custom template from the Single Product Template dropdown menu.

Scroll the bottom and click the Save Changes button to apply the changes. For more detailed instructions on how to use JetWooBuilder, you can read our previous article.
JetWooBuilder Pricing
JetWooBuilder is part of JetPlugins, a set of premium Elementor add-ons from Crocoblock. You can get it as separate plugin or in a set. If you want to get JetWooBuilder as a separate plugin, you only need to pay $24 per year (for a single site). If you want to get it in a set, you need to spend $130 per year. The Elementor add-ons included in the set are:
- JetElements
- JetBlog
- JetTabs
- TetTricks
- JetEngine
- JetBooking
- JetAppointment
- JetWooBuilder
- JetProductGallery
- JetCompareWishlist
- JetReviews
- JetSearch
- JetSmartFilters
- JetStyleManager
- JetMenu
- JetThemeCore
- JetBlocks
- JetPopup
If you don’t like the subscription-based payment option, there is also an option to get JetWooBuilder with a one-time purchase option.
The Verdict: JetWooBuilder Review
So far, the WooCommerce Builder of Elementor Pro only allows you to create custom templates for single product page, shop page, product category pages, and product tag pages. Crococlock offers a solution — the JetWooBuilder — to allow you to create custom templates for all WooCommerce parts. You can use JetWooBuilder to create custom templates for the following WooCommerce pats:
- Single product
- Shop page
- Product category pages
- Product tag pages
- Cart page
- Checkout
- Thank you page
- Customer account page
With JetWooBuilder you have more controls to set the layouts as well as the stylings of your e-commerce site. The use of the Elementor visual editor to customize WooCommerce is a great idea from Crocoblock. You can set what elements to be displayed on a certain part, as well as the placement and the stylings (color, typography, and so on). JetWooBuilder is a great tool to create a WooCommerce website with Elementor. It is arguably the best Elementor add-on for WooCommerce.