How to Integrate Mailchimp with WordPress in Newspaper Theme

Newspaper theme comes with a feature that allows you to integrate your website with Mailchimp. You can add a Mailchimp form anywhere on your website. Be it on the single post template, sidebar, homepage or footer. No need to deal with PHP, HTML or CSS to do so. You can use tagDiv Composer to add a Mailchimp form.

Before being able to add a Mailchimp form using tagDiv Composer, you need to enable the tagDiv Newsletter plugin first. If you haven’t enabled this plugin, you can go to Newspaper -> Plugins to enable it. This plugin adds a shortcode in tagDiv Composer called Newsletter.

How to add a Mailchimp form in Newspaper theme using tagDiv Composer

To add a Mailchimp form in Newspaper theme, you need to edit the page or template you want to add the form to using tagDiv Composer. By the time this article is written (March 22, 2020), Newspaper offers no WordPress widget to add a form to a WordPress’ native sidebar. So, the only way to add a Mailchimp form is by editing a template or page using tagDiv Composer.

Newspaper theme itself allows you to create a custom template for the single post, category page, author page, header, and footer. You can create a custom template where you want to add the Mailchimp form to. In this example, we will demonstrate how to add a Mailchimp form to the single post template.

We have written an article that covers how to create a custom single post template in Newspaper. You can read it for the detailed instructions.

To get started, visit the Mailchimp website and login with your account. On the Mailchimp dashboard, click the Create menu and select Signup Form.

On the Embedded form tab, select an audience from the dropdown menu and click the Begin button.

Go to the Condensed tab and copy the code.

Switch back to your WordPress dashboard and go to Cloud Templates -> All Templates. Select a template you want to add the Mailchimp form to and click the Edit template link. This will load the template to the front-end editor of tagDiv Composer.

On the tagDiv Composer front-end editor, add the Newsletter shortcode to an area you want to add the Mailchimp form.

On the Newsletter Provider option under the General tab, select Mailchimp and paste the code you have copied to the available field.

As you can see, the form will appear right after the code is pasted.

Customizing the form

You can customize the look of the form to your liking. The Newsletter shortcode itself comes with 8 premade form styles. You can select one from the Style option under the Style tab.

You can also customize the form style you selected. You can, for instance, set the button color, text color, typography, border radius, and so on. Just play around on the Style tab until you get satisfied with the look of your form.

Once you are done editing the form, click the floppy disk icon on the top bar of the left panel to save the changes and click the X icon to exit the tagDiv Composer front-end editor.

The bottom line

If you use Newspaper theme, you can add a beautiful Mailchimp form to your website without dealing with CSS or HTML. Also, you don’t need to install an extra plugin since Newspaper already has a default plugin to add a Mailchimp form. You just need to activate the plugin. In addition to Mailchimp, you can also add other Mailchimp alternatives like MailerLite form.

Although this article demonstrated how to add a Mailchimp form to a single post template, you can add the form anywhere you want. Such as the footer, homepage, category page, author page, and so on.

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