How to Install an Elementor Template Kit You Bought from ThemeForest

ThemeForest is one of the websites to get an Elementor template kit. You can get a template kit from a wide range of categories. From portfolio, photography, online magazine, and so on. The prices of template kits ranging from $10 to $30, depending on the complexity of the template kits. After completing your purchase, you will have access to the ZIP file of the template kit you bought. Although the template kit is available in a ZIP format, you can’t import it directly from the Elementor template library. Instead, you need to install the Envato Elements plugin to import it.

How to Install an Elementor Template Kit from ThemeForest

As stated above, you need to install the Envato Elements plugin on your WordPress site to install an Elementor template kit you bought from ThemeForest. The plugin itself is available on the WordPress plugin directory. Activate the plugin right away once installed.

Once the Envato Elements plugin is installed, go to Elements -> Installed Kits on your WordPress dashboard. Click the plus button and select the ZIP file of your template kit.

Your template kit might require extra plugins to work properly. If it does, you can click the Install Requirements button on the upper-right corner to install the required plugins.

Once the required plugins are installed, you can start to import the templates offered by the template kit. Simply click the Import Template button to import each template.

Once a template is successfully imported, you will see two buttons on the associated template. You can click the View Template button to view and edit the imported template on the Elementor editor (read: How to Use Elementor).

Using the Imported Templates

All templates of the template kit you have imported will be added to the Elementor library. You can import them according to the associated pages. For instance, you can import the homepage template on the homepage of your website. First, create a new page (Pages -> Add New) and name it “homepage” or any name to your liking. Edit the page with Elementor by clicking the Edit with Elementor button.

On the Elementor editor, click the folder icon on the canvas area to open the template library.

On the template library window, click the My Templates tab to view your existing templates. You can sort the templates by creation date to make it easier to find the templates of the template kit you have just imported. To do so, you can click the CREATION DATE column. Hover your cursor over the template you want to import (homepage in this case) and click the Insert button.

You can repeat the steps above to use other imported templates.

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