How an Elementor Website Kit Helps Streamlining Your Workflow

Since its initial release in 2016, Elementor has undergone massive development. It has gone from a mere page builder plugin to a comprehensive website builder. Elementor is now capable of handling tasks that previously could only be done by a theme. Such as customizing site parts (header, footer, single post layout, and so on), setting the site logo, and so on. Recently, Elementor has just released a new feature called Kit Library. The feature aimed at nothing but to streamline your workflow. Isn’t template kit already there? You are right but read on first.

The first edition of template kit was released by Elementor back in 2019. Since then, Elementor keeps releasing new template kits on a regular basis. Before Kit Library was released, you could only install a new template kit by manually importing each template (offered by the template kit) on the pages associated with each template. For instance, if the template kit you want to install consists of 10 templates, you need to import the templates 10 times. We haven’t mentioned the page creation, which also required.

With Kit Library, you can install a template kit — as well as other components — in fewer clicks. Less than 5 clicks!

Is Kit Library Different to Template Library?

Template Library has been around since the initial version of Elementor. It contained ready-made templates. From section templates to page templates. In Template Library, you can only import one template per import. Kit Library also consists of templates, but only for template kits. You can install a template kit in three clicks. On the installation process, Elementor will also import the demo content, global setting, and site settings. That is why Elementor calls the items on Kit Library a site kit instead of template kit.

A site kit consists of the following components:

  • Site settings
  • Global settings for Elementor
  • Page templates
  • Site part templates (header, footer, single post, 404 page, and so on)
  • Popup templates (depending on kit site concept)

Installing a Site Kit

Kit Library is available on Elementor 3.3 and the higher versions. You can access the feature by going to Templates -> Kit Library on your WordPress dashboard. The collections of the site kits will show up as you go to Kit Library. You can filter them by clicking the categories on left panel. You can also search for a particular site kit from the available search box. Once you find the site you like, simply click it and you will be presented the preview of site kit. You can click the Apply Kit button on the top-right corner to install it. You can click the device icons to switch between preview modes. You can also click the Overview button to see what templates offered by the site kit.

On the next step, you can select which components you want to include on the importing process. Once done selecting the components, you can click the Next button on the bottom-right corner.

Wait a moment until Elementor is done importing the templates and applying the settings. Once the process is done, you can edit the templates to tailor the content and your site is ready.

Did you count the number of clicks to import the templates? Only three!

How an Elementor Website Kit Helps Streamlining Your Workflow

Elementor has significantly transformed the way WordPress users create a website. You no longer depend on what’s your theme offer to customize your website. You can customize every part of your website in a visual way thanks to Elementor theme builder feature. With Elementor, you can create a website with your own design concept.

Design. Yes, right.

When you create a website using Elementor, you put design on the emphasize. In order to make every element of your website has a consistent design, you need to create a style guide. Once the style guide is created, you can execute it with Elementor. Before creating the style guide, you also need to create the design of your website itself.

In general, it takes the following steps to create a professional website with Elementor:

  • Creating the design itself. You can use tools like Figma, Adobe XD, and Sketch
  • Creating the style guide
  • Execute the design in Elementor based on the style guide

From the processes above, creating the design is the most time consuming one as you need to conduct some research to make your design relevant with the website type you want to create. It can take days or even weeks. With an Elementor Site Kit, you can eliminate all processes above. As we have demonstrated above, you can create a website in only three clicks.

While a Site Kit can help save you time in creating a new website, it also great to redesign your existing website to give it a fresh look.

The Bottom Line

Since its initial release in 2016, Elementor has transformed how WordPress users create a website. Its intuitive editor interface allows anyone to create a beautiful website regardless of the design background. You have a lot of elements to be added. Its theme builder, which was released in 2018, allowed users to step further. Now with the release of Kit Library, Elementor users are getting pampered more and more. The feature allows you to create a website in a quickest way possible. No need to create the design or style guide. You just need to select a site kit you like and install it in a few clicks.

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