Happy Addons Pro: 9 Useful, Unique Features You Can Unlock

Especially if you use Elementor Pro, you can maximize features like motion effects to take your design beyond. Elementor Pro gives you access to over ninety widgets that you can use to add create elements to your page. Need more? You can install and add-on. Happy Addons is one of the most popular Elementor add-ons, with over 100,000 active installations according to WordPress.org. Its pro version offers over seventy widgets in total, as well as other useful features to streamline your workflow. What features offered by Happy Addons Pro? Read on to learn more.

As the title suggests, there are at least nine features offered by Happy Addons Pro, excluding features available on Happy Addons Free like floating effect, CSS transform, and five hundred icons set. Here are the features you can unlock after upgrading to Happy Addons Pro.

Top 9 Happy Addons Pro Features

1. Display Conditions

For certain conditions, you might want to hide certain elements on your page. By far, Elementor has no default feature to do so. The Elementor display condition feature works only on theme builder and popup templates. Happy Addons Pro comes with a feature to allow you to apply a display condition to an element. Be it a section, column, or widget. The feature allows you to show/hide elements according to the parameters you set. For instance, you can hide a section on Firefox browser or Ubuntu operating system. Here are the parameters you can set:

  • Login Status
  • User Role
  • Operating System
  • Browser
  • Date Range
  • Date
  • Time
  • Day

As you can see on the list above. You can show/hide elements based on the login status and user role. You can take advantage of them to create a membership website with Elementor+Happy Addons. You can access the display condition feature of Happy Addons Pro by opening the Happy Features block under the Advanced tab on the settings panel of Elementor.

2. Image Masking

On image editing tools like Gimp and Photoshop, you can apply image masking technique to hide some portions of an image to apply certain styling. CSS also has features to do so. If you use Elementor Pro, you can add custom CSS to an Image widget to apply image masking. What if you have no CSS skills?

Happy Addons Pro comes with a feature to make it easier for you to add image masking to an image. There are over thirty different shapes you can choose from.

3. Presets

The visual editor of Elementor has made easy for those non-designers to style up every element on the page they are working on. But sometimes, you have no idea about the design concept you want to apply to a certain widget in Elementor. The pro version of Happy Addons offers a bunch of pre-made designs to allow you to have a stylish widget with a single click. Every time you add a widget offered by Happy Addons, you can open the Presets block under the Content tab on the settings panel. Each Happy Addons widget has 7 to 13 presets.

4. Cross Domain Copy Paste

There are some default Elementor features you can make use of to get a website done more quickly. For instance, you can define a global widget (e.g., button) and use it on every page that requires a button so that you can make a change on several pages at once. Elementor also allows you to copy a certain element from one page to another to streamline your workflow.

If you are an agency who develops websites for clients, you might need a feature to allow you to copy an element from one domain (instead of page) to another. It is one of the features offered by Happy Addons Pro, which can help you avoid the repetitive styling processes.

5. Unlimited Section Nesting

Elementor offers section and column to help you to set the layout of a page. There are some limitations you to face, though. For instance, you can’t add a section to an inner section. The pro version of Happy Addons offers a feature to fix the issue. You can add as many sections as you want. Be it on an existing section (including inner section) or column.

6. Live Copy

If you ever noticed, most Elementor add-ons offer demos for the widgets they offer. Often times, users want to apply the styling of a certain demo because they find the demo looks great to be applied to the website they are working on. The pro version of Happy Addons comes with a feature called Live Copy. The feature allows you to duplicate the styling of a certain widget demo — as well as the content — to the page you are working on. To use the feature, you can visit the demo page of a certain widget (which you can find on the Happy Addons website) and click the Live Copy button. Once copied, you can switch back to the Elementor editor, right-click and select X Paste.

After copying the styling, you can replace the content with your own content. This feature is pretty useful to save you time in getting a website done more quickly.

7. Happy Particle Effects

particles.js is a JavaScript library developed by Vincent Garreau. The library allows you to add particle effects to a page. You can learn more about the project on its GitHub page. Happy Addons Pro brings the feature to Elementor to allow you to add a particle effect to a page. There are three particle types you can select: Polygon, NASA, and Snow. The particle effect can be applied to both section and column. To access the feature, you can open the Happy Particles Effects block under the Style tab of the Elementor settings panel.

There are some settings you can apply. From the particle color, opacity, number of particles, particle size, move speed, and so on.

8. 40+ Pro Widgets

Happy Addons offers over seventy widgets in total. However, you need to upgrade to the pro version to access all those elements. The free version only allows you to access less than fourty widgets. Some widgets you can access after upgrading to Happy Addons Pro are Timeline, Instagram Feed, Sticky Video, and so on. Here are the widgets offered by Happy Addons Pro:

Feature ListList GroupSticky Video
Pricing TableCountdownPost Grid
Flip BoxSource CodePost Tiles
Advanced HeadingPromo BoxSmart Post List
Hover BoxHot SpotPost Carousel
Team CarouselPrice MenuAuthor List
Scrolling ImageBusiness HourProduct Grid
Advanced TabLine ChartProduct Carousel
Advanced AccordionPie & Doughnut ChartProduct Category Grid
Testimonial CarouselPolar Area ChartProduct Category Carousel
Logo CarouselRadar ChartSingle Product
Animated TextFacebook FeedMini Cart
TimelineTwitter Feed CarouselAdvanced Data Table
Instagram FeedBreadcrumbsModal Popup
Advanced Toggle

9. 400+ Ready-Made Templates

In Elementor, you have two options to create a page. First, you can start from scratch. Second, you can start from a ready-made template. The latter option is great if you have no idea about the concept of the design you want to create or simply want to get a page done more quickly. Happy Addons offers ready-made template to streamline your workflow.

There are over four hundred ready-made templates offered by Happy Addons in total. From block templates to page templates. To access all those ready-made templates, you need to use Happy Addons Pro. You can simply click the Happy Addons icon on the Elementor canvas area to open the Happy Addons template library.

The Bottom Line

There are two options to extend the functionality of Elementor. First, you can upgrade to the pro version. Second, you can install add-on. Sure, you can also choose these two options. Happy Addons is a popular Elementor add-on you can give a try if you want to add elements that are not available on Elementor by default. Same as Elementor, Happy Addons is also available as a freemium plugin. The pro version offers some handy feature designed to streamlining your workflow, including presets and live copy. You will also have access to more widgets by upgrading to Happy Addons Pro.

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