How to Get $159 Worth WordPress Plugins for Only $59

When creating a website with WordPress, you can install plugins to add specific features to your website. You can get a WordPress plugin whether from the official plugin directory of WordPress or third-party sources such as CodeCanyon and Codester. In today’s era, page builder is one of the most essential plugins you need to install on a newly installed WordPress site. It allows you to create beautiful pages — homepage, about page, contact page, and so on — on your WordPress site more easily. In fact, most WordPress themes such as Newspaper X and Jupiter X come with a default page builder plugin.

Back to the topic. How to get $159 worth WordPress plugins for only $59?

You can get those plugins in the Jupiter X theme bundle. Jupiter X is a WordPress theme developed by Artbees. The theme uses Elementor as the default plugin. To get the most out of Elementor, Artbees packs the Jupiter X theme with Elementor add-ons from Crocoblock (an Elementor add-on is technically a WordPress plugin). There are 9 plugins included on the Jupiter X theme bundle. They are worth $159 in total. Here are the plugins.

1. JetBlog: $15

JetBlog is a great plugin if you want to create an online magazine with Elementor. It comes with widgets that allow you to display articles on your website in a grid style like you usually see on an online magazine. You can use the widgets to create the hero section of your magazine homepage. There are 9 different grid you can choose from:

JetBlog also comes with widgets to allows you to create a video playlist as well as a newsticker. It adds 6 extra widgets to your Elementor.

  • Video Playlist
  • Post Pagination
  • Posts Navigation
  • Text Ticker
  • Post Tiles
  • Smart Post List

2. JetElements: $19

JetElements is one of the best Elementor add-ons. It adds over 40 extra widgets to your Elemntor widget library, including creative widgets such as Instagram, Horizontal Timeline, Vertical Timeline, Dropbar, Pie Chart, and Circle Progress. JetElements offers flexibility. You can disable the widgets you don’t need. If you use Elementor Free, you can use the Subscribe widget to create an email subscription form and connect it with Mailchimp.

3. JetEngine: $19

For a certain need, you might need to create a custom post type on your WordPress site. For instance, if you want to create a travel agency website, you might want to create a listing page. When a visitor clicks on an item on the listing page, they will be directed to a detailed page about the item. In such a case, you need to create a custom post type to display the detailed listing item. JetEngine allows you to create a custom post type in WordPress, much like the ACF plugin, but you don’t need to have programming knowledge.

JetEngine also adds the dynamic content feature to Elementor. This add-on is especially great if you use the free version of Elementor and want to add dynamic content to the page you are creating. JetEngine comes with the following widgets.

  • Dynamic Field
  • Dynamic Image
  • Dynamic Link
  • Dynamic Meta
  • Dynamic Repeater

  • Dynamic Terms
  • Listing Grid
  • Form
  • Check Mark
  • Calendar

JetMenu: $19

Want to create a mega menu on your WordPress site? Jupiter X already comes with a plugin that you can use to create one so you don’t need to install a new plugin. The default plugin you can use to create a mega menu is JetMenu. You can add several content types on your mega menu. From WooCommerce products, multimedia content, articles, dynamic content, and so on.

JetPopup: $19

Jupiter X theme comes with a default plugin that allows you to create popups on your WordPress site: JetPopup. You can customize the popup using Elementor’s intuitive visual editor. No need to deal with CSS, JavaScript or HTML at all. You can use JetPopup to create a wide range of popup types. From a promotional banner, notification, to opt-in email. JetPoup supports integration with Mailchimp.

To save you time in creating a popup, JetPopup offers premade templates you can choose from. Of course, you can also create a popup from scratch.

JetTabs: $15

When creating a page using Elementor or other page builders, you sometimes need to add a tabbed section. You don’t need to install a new plugin to create this sort of section if you use the Jupiter X theme as this theme comes with a default plugin to do. The plugin is called JetTabs. This plugin adds four widgets to your Elementor widget library: Switcher, Tabs, Accordion, and Classic Accordion.

JetTricks: $15

When creating a page using Elementor, you can animate a certain element using the motion effect feature. However, the ability to animate an element is only available on the pro version. JetTricks adds similar functionality to your Elementor Free. JetTricks allows you to add a parallax effect and several other animation effects. You can also add elements like image hotspot, tooltip, and unfold text.

JetWooBuilder: $19

WooCommerce allows you to create an e-commerce site using WordPress. While it adds the e-commerce functionality to your WordPress site, you can beautify your e-commerce using JetWooBuilder. This plugin allows you to customize every part of your e-commerce site. From the single product page, product category page, shop page, check out page, and so on. The customization process is done via Elementor’s visual editor.

JetWooBuilder offers premade templates to save you time in creating a custom part for your e-commerce site.

JetSmartFilters: $19

JetSmartFilters is a great Elementor add-on for WooCommerce. This add-on allows you to add an advanced filtering feature that allows your visitors to filter products by price range, rating, brand, color, and several other parameters.

The Bottom Line

As mentioned earlier, the plugins above are developed by Crocoblock. You can get them on the official website of Crocoblock. You need to spend $159 in total to get all of those plugins. Please note that the prices above are subscription-based. You will be charged on a yearly basis. Crocoblock allows you to get its products with a one-time purchase option but you need to spend a large amount of capital: $499.

With Jupiter X, you can get those $159 plugins for only $59. This is a one-time purchase, not subscription-based. You can get Jupiter X theme on the Themeforest.

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