7 Best Free Elementor Add-ons

With the free version of Elementor, you can add elements like button, image, text, video, gallery, progress bar, and accordion to your page. The total of the design elements (called widgets) offered by the free version of Elementor is 30. You have two options to add extra widgets to your Elementor: by upgrading to the pro version or by installing an add-on. Or, you can do both to get even more widgets.

An Elementor add-on itself is a set of widgets developed by third-party developers. An add-on can also add extra setting options and functionalities to Elementor. For instance, JetSticky adds a setting option to add a sticky effect to a section (the setting option to add sticky effect is only available on Elementor Pro) while JetPopup adds functionality to create popups on Elementor Free.

If you don’t use Elementor for a business purpose, upgrading to Pro or buying a premium Elementor add-on might is not the choice you want to make. We have compiled some of the best Elementor add-ons that you can use for free. Here is the list.

1. Essential Addons

Essential Addons is one of the most popular Elementor add-ons with over 3 million downloads according to information on its official website. With this add-on, you can add sections like pricing table, team members or call to action to your page more effortlessly as the widgets to create those sections are available. Essential Addons also allows you to integrate your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) with your WordPress site. You can, for instance, display your Twitter or Instagram feed. Essential Addons itself is released as a freemium add-on. The widgets available on the free version include:

Post Grid WPFormsAdvanced Tabs
Post Timeline weFormsAdvanced Accordion
Fancy TextInfo BoxProgress Bar
Creative ButtonsFlip BoxFeature List
CountdownDual Color HeadlineFluentForm
Team Members Call to ActionFacebook Feed
Testimonials Pricing TableSticky Video
WooCommerce Product GridTwitter FeedBetterDocs Category Grid
Contact Form 7Data TableBetterDocs Category Box
Gravity FormsFilterable GalleryBetterDocs Search Form
Ninja FormsImage AccordionAdvanced Data Table
Caldera FormsContent Ticker

As you can see, there are also some widgets that you can use to add a form to your page in case you use the free version of Elementor. If you find Essential Addons useful, you can upgrade to the pro version to get about 29 other widgets. The pro version of Essential Addons comes with extensions to add parallax effect, add particle effect, and create a password-protected page.

2. Happy Addons

This is maybe the add-on that makes you happier when working on a page with Elementor as you will have 29 extra free widgets on your Elementor after installing the add-on. Happy Addons — just like Essential Addons — also allows you to effortlessly add elements like team members, pricing table, process bar, and testimonial to your page. This add-on also allows you to effortlessly add a form to your page if you use the free version of Elementor. Happy Addons is especially a great add-on if you use Calendly. There is a widget to embed your Calendly schedules to your WordPress site. Here are the widgets offered by the free version of Happy Addons:

CardweFormsStep Flow
Gradient HeadingNinja FormsCalendly
Info BoxWPFormsFlip Box
Icon BoxDual ButtonPricing Table
Image Compare TestimonialImage Grid
Team MemberJustified GridGravity Forms
ReviewNumberNews Ticker
Skill BarsLogo GridPost List
Contact Form 7CarouselPost Tab
Caldera FormsSlider

Happy Addons also comes with a set of icons to enrich your icon collection. There are about 500 icons offered by Happy Addons. There are also extensions like Background Overlay, Floating Effects, CSS Transfor, and Happy Clone (to duplicate a page or post).

3. Premium Addons

Despite its name, this add-on also offers a free version that offers about 22 widgets, including a widget to display the latest blog posts on your website. Premium Addons is actually a great Elementor add-on to integrate your WordPress with your social media accounts. However, the social media widgets (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Behance) are only available on the pro version. Here are the widgets available on the free version of Premium Addons.

Carousel WidgetModal Box WidgetFancy Text Widget
Blog WidgetTestimonials WidgetHeading Widget
Google Maps WidgetBanner WidgetDual Heading Widget
Persons WidgetButton WidgetVideo Box Widget
Image Grid WidgetImage Button WidgetCounter Widget
Image Scroll WidgetProgress Bar WidgetCountdown Widget
Image Separator WidgetPricing Table Widget Contact Form 7 Widget
Vertical Scroll Widget

Premium Addons is also a popular enough Elementor add-on. It has been downloaded over 3.5 million times with about 200.000 active installs. In addition to widgets, Premium Addons also provides ready-to-use Elementor templates.

4. OneElements

At the time of writing (January 27, 2020), OneElements is available as a free Elementor add-on. The premium version might is about to come soon as the developer is preparing several new features such as templates and “coming soon” widgets. At the time being, there are about 27 widgets offered by OneElements:

Modern IconTeam MembersLogo Grid
Featured Icon BoxFeatured CounterPowerful Info Box
Gradient DividerPretty Start RatingsBrand Carousel
Ultimate ButtonThe Social IconsTeam Carousel
Advanced HeadingModern Posts GridTestimonial Grid
Gradient ButtonPosts CarouselTestimonial Carousel
Multiple HeadingPosts Load MoreModern Icon List
Gradient HeadingModern AccordionSingle Testimonial
Image with overlayMinimal FAQ’sSingle Team

5. Unlimited Elements

The way Unlimited Elements works is a bit different from the four first Elementor add-ons above. You won’t have new widgets immediately after installing the plugin. Instead, you are required to install the widgets you want to use via its widget catalog. Technically, Unlimited Elements comes with the following widgets:

Pricing TableImage Hover AffectSocial Network Icons
Team MemberAccordionProduct Box
Content BoxAudio PlaylistGoogle Chart
TimelineCarouselVideo Gallery
TestimonialContent TabImage Gallery

The difference is, Unlimited Elements offers those widgets in predesigned widgets. The widgets won’t appear on Elementor’s widget panel before you install them. Some widgets can be installed for free, some require you to upgrade to Pro.

6. Element Pack Lite

Element Pack is another great Elementor add-on you can try. The free version of this add-on is also available (Element Pack Lite) although with limited enough widgets. The free version of Element Pack comes with 18 widgets:

Business HoursToggleImage Magnifier
Custom Gallery SliderMember
Flip BoxCall OutProgress Pie
Panel SliderCountdownScroll Button
LightboxCookie ConsentTrailer Box
Simple Contact FormImage CompareContact Form 7

Element Pack Lite is enough if you want to add elements like a flip box, image comparison, and image magnifier to your page, while Contact Form 7 widget allows you to add a form to your page.

7. Livemesh Addons

If you have the free version of Elementor and need to display the blog posts on your website, Livemesh Addons is worth-trying. This add-on comes with a Blog Posts Grid that you can use to display blog posts in a responsive grid. Or, you can use the Post Carousel extension to display blog posts as a carousel. Livemesh Addons also allows you to effortlessly add elements such as team members and pricing table to your page. Here are the widgets offered by the free version of Livemesh Addons.

Portfolio GridTestimonials Slider
Blog PostsPost Carousel
Team ProfilesGeneric Carousel
OdometersClients List
Bar ChartsPricing Plans
Animated Pie Charts
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