How to Add AdSense to Elementor

Google AdSense is a popular advertisement network widely used by bloggers and website owners in general to monetize their websites. While Elementor, as you have known, is the most popular WordPress page builder plugin features a theme builder. Creating a WordPress-based website with Elementor gives massive flexibility in terms of displaying Google AdSense ads. You can display your ads anywhere, literally anywhere. Be it on pages or theme builder templates like footer, header, to single post template.

Elementor indeed has no widget aimed specifically at displaying Google AdSense ads, but thanks to the HTML widget, you can integrate your Elementor-powered WordPress site with Google AdSense.

How to Add AdSense to Elementor

The HTML widget of Elementor allows you to embed HTML and JavaScript codes. Since Google AdSense uses JavaScript files to display ads, you can use it (the HTML widget) to display Google AdSense ads on your website. In addition to adding Google AdSense, you can also use the HTML widget to install Google Analytics.

To start adding Google AdSense to Elementor, first, create a new page/template and edit it with Elementor. Drag the HTML widget to the canvas area. If you are new to Elementor, you can read our previous article to learn how to use Elementor.

Go to the left panel to add your Google AdSense code. You can add your code on the HTML Code field under the Content tab.

You can go to the Advanced tab to set the margin and the padding of your ads. Publish/update your page/template once you are done editing it. That’s it.

The Bottom Line

Although Elementor offers flexibility to display Google AdSense ads to any area to your liking, it has no capability to display ads on the content area of the single posts. You can only display the ads before or after the content. If you want to display ads on the content area (after a certain paragraph, for instance) you still need a dedicated ad management plugin like AdSanity and Advanced Ads.

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