How to Create a Mega Menu in WordPress Using Brizy

In Elementor, you have to install the JetMenu add-on to create a mega menu. In Brizy, you don’t need to install any add-on to create a mega menu as Brizy has a built-in feature to create a mega menu. In this article, we will show you how to use this feature to create a mega menu on your WordPress site. Before that, you can read our previous post to learn how to create a custom header using Brizy. In this article, we will go straight to adding the Menu element to the header block instead of creating the header block from scratch.

Let’s get started.

As we have just mentioned, we will go straight to adding the Menu element to the header block. So, simply drag the Menu element to the header block. You can skip this step if the Menu element is already added to the header block.

To select a menu you want to use, you can hover your mouse over the Menu element and click the grey arrow icon. Select a menu from the Menu option.

To turn a menu item into a mega menu item, you can click it (the menu item). Click the menu tab and toggle the Mega Menu option.

As you can see, you will be provided a black canvas (container) after enabling the Mega Menu option on a menu item. You can use this canvas to build the mega menu. You can add any element to the mega menu container just like when you are editing a page or template with Brizy. Before adding any element, you might want to set the container size and background. To do so, hover your mouse over the container area and click the grey arrow icon on the top-left corner. You can click the gear icon to set the container width. To set the background color, you can click the Colors tab. To add an image background, you can click the Background tab.

Again, you can add any element to the mega menu container just like when you are editing a page or template with Brizy. New to Brizy? You can read our previous article to learn how to use Brizy.

You can simply repeat the steps above to turn other menu items into the mega menu items.

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