How to Create a Custom 404 Page on Monstroid2 Theme

The 404 page is important enough for a website. When visitors access a URL that doesn’t exist on your website, they will be directed to this page. A 404 page usually contains a standard message like “page doesn’t exist”, “page not found” or something similar. Each Monstroid2 skin has a unique 404 page. If you want, you can create your own 404 page to replace the default 404 page of your skin.

Since Monstroid2 is an Elementor-based WordPress theme, you can create a custom 404 page via Elementor’s visual editor. No coding skill is required at all. You can add any element you want to your 404 page. From an email subscription form, button, animation, blog posts, and so on.

If you use Elementor Pro, you can use one of the available 404 page templates offered by Elementor Pro. If you use Elementor Free, you have to create a custom 404 page from scratch since there are no 404 page templates available on Elementor Free. Monstroid2 also offers no 404 page templates.

Creating a custom 404 page on Monstroid2

To get started, go to Monstroid2 -> My Libary. Click the Add New button to create a new page template.

On the appearing popup dialog, select Single on the Select Type section. Give your template a name and click the Create Template button.

You will be directed to the Elementor editor after clicking the Create Template button above. Start by adding a section by clicking the plus icon on the canvas area. As we said above, you can add any elements you want using the available widgets.

You can play around with the Elementor editor to create your 404 page. Once you are done creating the page, open the Settings panel by clicking the gear icon on the bottom-left corner. Open the Conditions option and set to Singular on the General section and then select 404 Page. Click the PUBLISH button.

That’s it! Now try to access your website and add a random text after your domain name to see your new 404 page.

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