How to Create a Dynamic Link in Brizy

In some cases, you need to address the link dynamically on your site. For example, the dynamic link will help you when you want to create a video blog post. With a dynamic link, you can locate a resource of each video dynamically. To create a dynamic link, you will need the help of custom fields to place the links.

By default, WordPress doesn’t have a custom fields feature. So, you need to download and install it first. There are many WordPress custom fields plugins on the WordPress directory. In this tutorial, we use ACF as our custom fields WordPress plugin.

This article will show you how to create a dynamic link in Brizy.

Steps to Create a Dynamic Link in Brizy

Step 1: Create the Custom Fields Using ACF

First, you must create custom fields to place the links. To make the data, you enter the fieldwork as a URL; you need to set the custom fields type to link. ACF is one of the custom field plugins that support link field type.

You can assign the custom field to a new or an existing post type (e.g., blog post, page) or a custom post type.

Once you’ve downloaded and installed the ACF plugin into your WordPress, on your WordPress dashboard, go to Custom Fields -> Add New to create a new custom fields group. Give your custom fields group a name and click the Add Field button to add a new field.

Next, you can set the field label and field name on the Field Label and Field Name fields. On the Field Type field, set to Url.

If you want to add some more custom fields, simply click the Add Field button to add more custom fields. In this example, we need two custom fields for our custom template. So, we added another custom field.

Once you’ve added the custom fields, go to the Location section to set where the custom fields group is to be assigned to. You can use the default rule if you want the custom fields group to be given to blog posts. In this example, we will assign the custom fields for our existing page, “Latest Single.”

Next, click the Publish button to publish the custom fields group.

Step 2: Create the Custom Template for Blog Page

The feature to create a custom template is available on the free version of Brizy, but we recommend you upgrade your Brizy to the pro version. It allows you to access all the elements on the elements panel. With Brizy Pro, your custom template can be maximized.

Okay, once your custom fields are ready, you can create the custom templates for the content types you want to add to the dynamic link to. If you already have a template/s, you can directly go to your existing template and edit it. In this tutorial, we will edit our current template. But, if you are new to Brizy and want to learn how to create a custom template, you can read the article “How to Create a Custom Single Post Template in WordPress Using Brizy.”

Go to your existing template, and click the Edit with Brizy button, which brings you to Brizy editor.

Alright, it’s time to add the dynamic link to your template. You can add a dynamic link to any element that provide to place a link. Such as button, videos, audio, title, and others. In this example, we want to edit our existing custom single-page template of the “Latest Single”. What we going to do here is assign the links of the Button and Video to the field label or custom fields we’ve just created.

Well, we start from the Button first. Go to the Button, on the options toolbar go to the Link, and click on it. On the Link to setting click the hamburger icon (see the GIF), and assign a field label to the custom fields you’ve just created.

Next, go to the Video, on the options toolbar, go to the Video setting and click on it. On the Link setting, click the hamburger icon (see the image) and assign a field label. In this example, we assign a Button link to the field label: Audio and for the Video, it’s assigned to the field label: Video.

Once you’ve assigned the custom fields to the elements link (button and video), update your single-page template by clicking the Update button.

Step 3: Create or Edit a Page

Alright, you can create a new page or edit the existing one; it depends on the location of custom fields and the Display Conditions of the template that you set.

Once everything is ready. Make sure to add an URL on the custom fields you have created in step one above. The given URL will be used to set the fills of the links.

Last but not least, make sure to set the category according to the category of the custom template it is assigned to (step 2).

The Bottom Line

This article shows you how to create a dynamic link in Brizy. Brizy is one of the easiest tools to create websites, blogs, and online shops. The integration between Brizy and custom fields WordPress plugin makes us possible to create a dynamic link to your website.

This tutorial shows one of the implementation of dynamic links used on a website. With your creativity, you can implement this tutorial for any need. Such as download links, purchase links, login links, and others.

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Picture of Akbar Padma

Akbar Padma

Akbar is a WordPress expert and a writer staff at WPPagebuilders. He mainly writes about Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi, and other WordPress page builders.
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