How to Add Related Posts in Elementor

By default, the Posts widget of Elementor loads the last 6 posts on your website, but you can set it to load specific articles or pages according to your setting. If you want, you can also make use of the Posts widget to display related posts. Be it on a single post, sidebar or anywhere you want to add them.

Adding related posts, especially on a single post, is the common practice adopted by many website owners. This will allow your visitors to easily find other posts related to the current post they are reading.

In this post, we will show you how to add related posts on a single post.

Adding Related Posts in Elementor

With Elementor, you can actually add related posts on any part of your website, not just on the single post. But, since the common practice of related posts placement is on the single post, we will follow this common “rule”.

First off, login to your WordPress dashboard and go to Templates -> Theme Builder.

On the Theme Builder page, go to the Single tab and click the Add New button to create a new template.

On the Select Post Type option, select Post. Give your template a name and click the CREATE TEMPLATE button to start creating your template.

Select one of the available templates on the template library and click the Insert button to take it to the Elementor editor (you can also create a single post template from scratch).

Once the template is loaded to the Elementor editor, drag the Posts widget to a section where you want to add the related posts (normally on the bottom side).

Click the Query option under the Content tab to see the available settings. On the Source section, set to Related.

Elementor allows you to add related posts based on the author or term (tags, categories, and formats). To set it, click on the field beneath Include By and select the term (or author) on the next appearing field.

There are more options available as well in case you want to set very specific related posts. You can filter the posts based on the date.

To customize your related posts, you can return to the Layout option. You can set the number of articles on the related posts, the number of columns, image ratio, and, so on. Click the PUBLISH button once you are done.

The Bottom Line

The Posts widget of Elementor is a widget dedicated to displaying content on your website. Not only you can use it to display blog posts, but you can also use to display other content types, including custom post type.

The widget offers plenty of setting options, including the option to display related posts. You can display the related posts based on either category of tag.

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9 thoughts on “How to Add Related Posts in Elementor”

  1. Thank you for this tutorial. However, when i use it, the algorithm suggest me only the same posts over and over, regardless of the similarity in the content of the article. Is there a way to fix this?

  2. Thanks for the post. However, I still have an issue with this. After selecting ‘include by’ term and then next is to select term, it wants you to seletect a particular category instead of saying category since this is a single page template for all other posts on the blog. Can you help on this please?


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