How to Add Post Tags when Creating a Single Post Layout with Divi Builder

Divi comes with a theme builder to create a custom single post layout on your WordPress site without coding. You can use the Divi Builder visual editor to do so. When creating a custom single post layout with Divi Builder, you can customize every single element of the layout. From the heading text, main body (the content), post image, featured image, and so on. You can also add such elements as the current category, post tags, author bio, date, and so on.

Speaking of post tag, this element is commonly found on the end section of a blog post, right after the content. Tag is typically used to group articles on a website. Much like a category, but more specific. If you are new to Divi Builder and are experiencing a problem in adding post tags, this post will show you how.

Adding Post Tags to a Custom Single Post Layout in Divi Builder

First off, go to Divi -> Theme Builder to access the theme builder feature of Divi. Edit an existing custom single post layout and by clicking the pencil icon.

The button to edit the body of a custom template in Divi.

Add a new Text module on the area you want to add the post tags to (typically beneath the post content). On the Text module settings panel, click the database icon to use dynamic content and select Post Tags.

Adding a Text module in the Divi Builder editor/

Add a before and after text and click the green checklist icon. If you want, you can also replace the default tags separator.

Setting the post tag and  the separator.

Go to the Design tab on the Text module settings panel to style up the post tags. Once done, click the green checklist icon to apply the change.

You can go to the Design tab to style up the tags.

Click the Save button on the bottom-right corner to apply the changes you have just made to your custom single post layout and click X button on the top-right corner to exit the Divi Builder editor.

Clicking the X icon will exit the Divi Builder editor
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