How to Add Dynamic Content in Brizy

The pro version of Brizy page builder has the ability to add dynamic content to your WordPress site, be it the default content types of WordPress — such as post title, post date, post excerpt, and soon — or custom fields you created with Pods or ACF. In this article, we will show you how to add dynamic content to the page you are creating with Brizy.

In general, the dynamic content falls into two forms in WordPress: image and text. Brizy allows you to add these two dynamic content forms to the design you create (page or template).

In case you are new to Brizy, you can read our previous article to learn how to use Brizy.

Adding image dynamic content

Brizy allows you to add three types of image dynamic content to your website:

  • Featured image
  • Site logo
  • Author Profile Picture

You can use the Image element to add dynamic content in the form image. In addition, you can also use a dynamic image as the block background or column background.

To add dynamic image using the Image element, first, add the Image element to the canvas area.

Click the element to show the settings bar and click the Image tab to open the image picker. Click the database icon and select the dynamic image type you want to add from the appearing options.

Once added, you can then customize it just like when you are customizing static image.

Setting a dynamic image as the block background

If you want to set a dynamic image as the block background, first, hover your mouse over the block you want to set the background of and click the mixer icon on the top-right side to open the settings bar. Click the Background tab on the settings bar to open the image picker. Click the database icon and select the dynamic image type you want to add.

Setting a dynamic image as the column background

You can use the same route as you did on block to set a dynamic image as the column background. First, hover your mouse over the column you want to set the background of and click the arrow icon on the top-right corner to show the settings bar. Click the Background tab and click the database icon next to the image picker.

Adding text dynamic content

There are two ways to add dynamic content in the form of text in Brizy. First, you can use the available elements. Some elements you can use to add dynamic content in the form of text are:

  • Post Title
  • Post Excerpt
  • Post Info
  • Product Title

You can simply add those elements to the canvas area to use one.

Second, you can add the Text element and press the hash key (the ‘#’ symbol, Shift + 3 in most cases) on your keyboard to show the full list of the dynamic content types you can add.

As you can see, there are several fields you can add. If you have custom fields created with Pods or ACF on your site, they will also appear on the list so you can use this method to add the custom fields you created with your favorite custom field plugin (doesn’t apply to JetEngine since JetEngine is built exclusively for Elementor).

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