How to Disable Lazy Load for Specific Image in WordPress

As you might know, by default WordPress loads all images with the lazy load feature enabled (loading=”lazy” attribute). Added to the core of WordPress since WordPress 5.5, the lazy load feature helps you improve your WordPress website’s performance by deferring the loading of each picture until your browser viewport reaches the section of the page … Read more

How to Allow Users to Sort Posts in Alphabetical Order in Elementor

What should our website have? Some of you maybe will be answering high-quality content, or perhaps you will be answering strong brand identity. Well, those aren’t the wrong answers. But, in our opinion, everything will be useless if a website doesn’t have helpful navigation. Navigation contributes to user experience; it helps you allow users to … Read more

How to Add Image Masking in Divi

This may sound cliché, that an image is worth a thousand words. Nevertheless, we have admitted that image has that much power. There are so many ways to create an image more interesting. Masking is one of the methods that we can use to make the image stand out. In short, image masking uses a … Read more

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